Monday 19 January 2015

Task One: AS Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task we had to complete a continuity task which involved filming a video which demonstrated a match on action shot, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

The video above was our first attempt at the preliminary task. However we felt it was rushed and not produced to the best of our ability. This can be seen as our shot/reverse shot isn't clear and what is happening in the clip isn't clear to the audience. The only dialogue we included was a single question which we also felt wasn't enough.

The video above is the improved version of our preliminary task. Within this video we used a variety of different camera shots, such as a match on action shot. This can be seen when George and Michael walk through the door. We also use a shot / reverse shot. This is right at the beginning of the clip when Michael and George are exchanging dialogue, which shows the audience who's addressing who. We also considered the 180 degree rule when filming our short clip, in order not to confuse which side each character was on. We originally had difficulty filming, due to lack of space and time, however, the video shown above, is the improved version of our original efforts.

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